
This is a self-interview, most recently revised in 2022.

So what’s this website all about?

Topically, the content will examine the deeper possibilities of human potential, and the essential pillars of inquiry: Who Am I? What is my purpose? How can I learn about my conscious and unconscious self? What is the extent of human potential? What principles can we learn to help free us from suffering, encourage healing, and discover a more joyous and/or peaceful way of living?

I am fundamentally interested in the capacities and capabilities of consciousness, and how we can access and discover those in an immediate, visceral, and subjective way, and also how we can talk about those things with each other in a more conversational, matter-of-fact manner.

So what we have is:

  • encourage examination and dialogue regarding the core pillars of spiritual inquiry and self-knowledge
  • simplify language and provide space for a matter-of-fact exploration and conversation on these matters
  • encourage an accessible, democratic, empowered approach to spirituality and our creative human potential
  • relieve suffering, increase joy and self-understanding
  • on my end, I am interested to try to find a voice for this material, related to prior discoveries and on-going questions. I also trust that this process is a furthering of my own self-understanding and development of my potential, and hopefully, that of others.

Why now?

There is a global awakening taking place. So many people are interested in spiritual inquiry and understanding a new level of human potential. This website is an attempt to both explain and encourage this transformation in terms that may be more understandable or accessible than other sources. Consider it your friendly advisor or translator.

From this global awakening perspective, I am very interested in articulating the zeitgeist, and contextualizing it. On so many levels, I feel that our conventions and sense of identity and place are being challenged, personally and collectively, and even shaken to the core. This is a reflection and movement of the global consciousness. It is important to give each other support and adequate response on these developments—be that curiosity, fear, excitement, possibility…

This tension is not a bad thing. All systems (inner and outer) have benefits and limitations, which emerge at different points in their lifetime. The limitations naturally force creative evolution. In this case, I have not yet heard satisfactory, honest, on-the-ground, practical articulations of our personal, social, and perceptual limitations, and how those may be in tension with emerging strands of human possibility or understanding.

A good example in history would be the tension that was arising prior to the American Revolution. Mankind was becoming clear and empowered enough in their understanding that they felt highly limited by a monarchy. That old institution, in essence, was hindering the explosion of new consciousness that was wanting to emerge. In that case, it required a categorical rejection of the prior system.

My point now is that we are in a similarly radical shift in consciousness. I have not yet heard satisfactory discussion of how this shift is coming up against existing institutions, perceptions, biases, memes, or prior conditioning. Nor have I heard adequate articulation of the general mood or atmosphere of the nation. In other words, the emotional and spiritual condition of individuals and the nation is seldom discussed accurately.

As such, at times I will attempt to put my finger on these deeper issues, though it could be sometimes uncomfortable. It may manifest as an anxiety on the edges of consciousness, or as an increasing struggle to maintain your previous life configuration. I believe the tension is growing as we encounter limitations or flaws of older systems, and simultaneously are wanting to sprout new seeds. These tensions may even be arising simultaneous with this global shift in consciousness, which is being held back in some ways by older, obsolete systems. The point here is to help identify and become conscious of the deeper threads that are coming up at the margins of our personal and collective awareness, that we no longer can ignore, and that need to be adequately named and faced.

The relationship of our emerging shift in consciousness (locus of identity, self-awareness, conditioning, sense of place, etc) to these larger societal elements is one of the topics of interest in this website and podcast. The emotional consequences of this shift should not be underestimated, and we must help each other to understand and process these changes.

As such, I will add three intentions to the above list.

  • articulation of the zeitgeist in general, and attempting a synthesis and expression of “what everyone already knows but no one has adequately said.” By extension, trying to find the invisible spiritual or deepest causes, which can inform wise solutions.
  • articulation of the relationship of the zeitgeist and conscious awakening to existing institutions, social relations, and psychological forces (e.g. greed, attachments), and how they mutually influence one another.
  • providing a safe environment for looking at our responses to these movements adequately and honestly, especially in emotional coping, intellectual understanding, and spiritual acceptance.

Ultimately, there is the principle that all change begins within. Our own maturity of consciousness is the generating point of all response and reaction, so it is our responsibility and blessing to help each other see more clearly.

It is an exciting time and an exciting prospect, and we need each other more than ever.

What makes you feel qualified to do this?

In short, I don’t feel ‘qualified’. I still have a lot of doubt about it. However, I do believe that I have an ability to communicate and explain these topics in very accessible, non-threatening, and direct terms. Furthermore, I have an emotional sensitivity that allows a fast honing-in on underlying causes or principles, coupled with a compassion and patience that can create a safe, open environment for approaching difficult or touchy subjects. Finally, I have years of spiritual group work, and have been to very high and low places in terms of spiritual possibilities and human potential. These experiences have provided inspiration and a bit of perspective on life. Finally, I simply haven’t yet heard a voice yet that adequately expresses what I have been feeling or sensing about the interrelationship of these forces, and figured I’d give it a try.

Who do you hope will use this material?

Honestly, I am split between targeting folks who have done long-term spiritual work and are facing some very subtle stuff, versus folks who have an uneasiness to approach these matters to begin with. The irony is, the fresh-faced folks may have a leg up here because they aren’t full of preconceptions. Regardless, I certainly hope to open these ideas up to anyone who is interested and would want to trade notes or gain some insight. The door is open.

Why did you decide to do a website?

In short, I felt that this mechanism was the best way to be of service, and also the best way to deepen my own self-knowledge and move forward spiritually. I love talking about these things, and hope to be effective at communicating, explaining, and discussing these matters in a way that encourages trust, awakening, stabilization, belonging, curiosity, and wonder. It’s really the best ride you can be on.

Anything else that pertains to your intention here?

Some of my operating principles, besides those already mentioned, would be:

  • A belief that a love of the truth in all things can guide us home, and allows for mistakes, patience, compassion, and forgiveness.
  • A sense that our social systems are in tremendous flux, and that an examination of these fluctuations in relation to our emotional health, perceptual stability, and maturing consciousness is beneficial and necessary.
  • We were given the powers of rationality and doubt, but we must be sure to take care of the heart and gut. Each has their strength and weakness.
  • For every belief and form in this world, there is an opposite, inverse, or complementary belief-form. The universe abhors a vacuum.
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